Splitting a cuelist

Last night I ran into something and hope someone can help me out.

I had 6 colour-commands in one cuelist. Cue 1 is intensity + open white, cue 2 -> 15 is only colour information.
Yesterday's show needed to seperate my colourcommands. I needed 3 list's, all with 2 colourcommands and the colour information just for these 2.

Is there a quick way to do this? E.g. copy the 'main' list and then knock-out the other 4 from all 15 cues instantly? Or copy all the cues and say just copy for colourcommand 1 & 2?


  • Pim,

    There are a few ways you can do this:

    1) Copy the list by specifying specific fixtures from the command line.

    List 1 Fixture 1 Thru 2 Copy Choose

    This will create a copy of the cuelist that only contains the specified fixtures and attach it to a new master.

    2) Copy the list with the Selected option

    1 Thru 2 Enter
    List 1 Copy More Selected Choose

    This will create a copy of the cuelist that only contains the currently selected fixtures and attach it to a new master.

    3) Copy the entire list, then remove some fixtures from all cues.

    List 1 Copy Choose

    This will create the copy of the list.

    3 Thru 6 Enter
    Record Remove 1 Thru 15 Enter

    This will remove fixtures 3 through 6 from all cues.

    I hope this helps.
  • Pim,

    There are a few ways you can do this:

    1) Copy the list by specifying specific fixtures from the command line.

    List 1 Fixture 1 Thru 2 Copy Choose

    This will create a copy of the cuelist that only contains the specified fixtures and attach it to a new master.

    2) Copy the list with the Selected option

    1 Thru 2 Enter
    List 1 Copy More Selected Choose

    This will create a copy of the cuelist that only contains the currently selected fixtures and attach it to a new master.

    3) Copy the entire list, then remove some fixtures from all cues.

    List 1 Copy Choose

    This will create the copy of the list.

    3 Thru 6 Enter
    Record Remove 1 Thru 15 Enter

    This will remove fixtures 3 through 6 from all cues.

    I hope this helps.
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