bug report; parameter jumping to endvalue.

I read someones post some days ago, and he said he's parameters jumped to it's endvalue when he touched the wheels..

I was wondering if it is logged as a bug? since it happened to me 3-4 times yesterday.. I know i have seen this a coupple of times before, and on different software versions. but yesterday it was with H3pc latest, and on some robe 1200 at's, it happened twice on pan, and on tilt, and focus.. I found no way to reproduce.. but it's really anoyying bug( as it's quite visible that all my movers jumps to it's endvalue;)
  • I saw this for the first time on beta software last week as I was doing some heavy functionality testing and have compared my notes to what is being described in this post and it looks like the same issue. As many of you have stated this seems to be a rather random bug and is somewhat hard to pin down. I have begun to investigate this further today as I am testing against this issue on both platforms. It sounds like this is most commonly seen on Hog3PC with a programming wing or iPC Front Panel. Thanks for your input to this matter.
  • I saw this for the first time on beta software last week as I was doing some heavy functionality testing and have compared my notes to what is being described in this post and it looks like the same issue. As many of you have stated this seems to be a rather random bug and is somewhat hard to pin down. I have begun to investigate this further today as I am testing against this issue on both platforms. It sounds like this is most commonly seen on Hog3PC with a programming wing or iPC Front Panel. Thanks for your input to this matter.
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