Loss of dmx

I'm currently running a show using the Hog3pc system (1 PC, 1 widget, 1 playbackwing and 1 progwing).

During the last show I ran into a very confusing problem. Suddenly all conventionel lights drops to zero (for about ½sec). Having no clue why? After a few minutes this happens again, although this time I spoted the widget during the blackout, and I saw that the two diods active and dmx OK were out but they came back as the lights went up again (I truly suspect a connection between the diods and the blackout:p )

Hence the link doid all the time indicated connection between the widget and my comuter (the widget is directly plugged in my computer) I'm clueless whats the fuzz is about! :1zhelp:

/ Andreas
  • Hmm. Strobing dimmers? The feared "disco effect"? I've had these same troubles many times with Strand CD80 20Kw dimmers and 6x12 CD packs, as have several of my colleagues. And I have noticed it ocurring in terminated lines and disappearing without the terminators. Now, after much consultation with other programmers and manufacturers apparently there are some problems with newer consoles and older dimmers and that's got to do with newer consoles (Hog3) having something different (refresh rate? evolution of DMX protocol? weird bogeys? who knows) that makes those older dimmers strobe. First, let me say that nobody has ever given me a definitive, "this is what's wrong" type of answer. And DEFINITELY NOT a "this is how to fix it" type of answer. But the problem, especially with the 20Kw dimmers is so pervasive that it occurs nearly every time with at least one of them. (Love to see those boat anchors on the order, lemme tell ya.) And since there is not another company on the planet that makes DMX controlled 20K dimmers, we're screwed. But enough about me. All I'm saying is that the "disco effect" is thought to be related to older dimmers used with newer consoles, and counterintuitively is not thought to be related to termination. If there's anyone who can expand this conversation to definitively solve the problem, by all means bring it on.
  • Hmm. Strobing dimmers? The feared "disco effect"? I've had these same troubles many times with Strand CD80 20Kw dimmers and 6x12 CD packs, as have several of my colleagues. And I have noticed it ocurring in terminated lines and disappearing without the terminators. Now, after much consultation with other programmers and manufacturers apparently there are some problems with newer consoles and older dimmers and that's got to do with newer consoles (Hog3) having something different (refresh rate? evolution of DMX protocol? weird bogeys? who knows) that makes those older dimmers strobe. First, let me say that nobody has ever given me a definitive, "this is what's wrong" type of answer. And DEFINITELY NOT a "this is how to fix it" type of answer. But the problem, especially with the 20Kw dimmers is so pervasive that it occurs nearly every time with at least one of them. (Love to see those boat anchors on the order, lemme tell ya.) And since there is not another company on the planet that makes DMX controlled 20K dimmers, we're screwed. But enough about me. All I'm saying is that the "disco effect" is thought to be related to older dimmers used with newer consoles, and counterintuitively is not thought to be related to termination. If there's anyone who can expand this conversation to definitively solve the problem, by all means bring it on.
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