wheelsets, and customisation

Here's one that's been bothering me from time to time..

When dealing with mediaservers i always make my own wheelsets(or atleast most of the time) , and reordering them is ok within it's "kind"(H2 library term.)

-But sometimes i wan't to do even more customisation. as an example sometimes i wan't to have pos x/y/z,scale x/y in the position kind, and not under beam..or keystone for that mather.. sometimes becouse of programming needs, but sometimes just to get rid of some pages/rows under the beam category.. So if you try to do that in the wheelset editor, you get the parameters in the new kind, but they don't disapear from the old kind.. I guess this is becouse the desk is to "smart" and want's to show me all parameters under it's proper kind(the ones that are in the library) maybe for my own protection.. One could argue that moving parameters to a new kind could be confusing, say if a new operator takes over the desk, and don't know about it.. but on the other hand,I did the changes with intent so maybe it should obey? anyone have something to add to the discussion?

-I know that atm, the parameters you change don't change kind. only comes up another time in the wheelsets.. I see a coupple of ways this could be implemented..:

-you could make the wheelset change the kind also. would meake it easy and fast to customize things. but can be a bit dangerous when you think of that it can be imported exported..

-You can make a kind selection available in the edit fixtures menu. a little more job to customize things, as you would need to do it both in the edit meny, and in the wheelset editor. but probably the "safest" and best imlementation??

-You could make the fixture builder work with every parameter, so that we could "copy from" a library, and actually get a result that works;). and then we can customize things there..

-We can get Steve to make "personal librarys" upon request, hehe.. probably the easiest way to implement for you guys in texas, as Steve would get all the work..

-You can release the tool Steve uses to make our librarys.. one downside might be that Steve would need a new job..

anyways, i'd love this to be possible somehow!
  • I had a feeling this was a bit more complicated than i had wished for;).. man,sometimes i miss the easiness of the H2 and librarys..

    "The problem with being able to edit kind from within edit fixtures, wheelset editor, or fixture builder is that the parameter group or kind is associated with each function. It isn't handled on a per-fixture basis. We could have issues if you had 2 lights with the same feature and those fixtures had that feature in different parameter groups."

    -- That makes me to believe that even Steve can't make a "custom" library that moves some parameters from beam to position as an example and keeping their name? did i understand it right?

    "We could certainly remove the duplicate wheelset entries under the parameter group that matches the "kind" of the function and this shouldn't cause any show file issues, but it could cause confusion because now knocking out position isn't knocking out all of the parameters in the position wheelset."

    --In most situations that will be ok for me. You will of cource need to think twice, and have your head together, but for me that would be great.. Maybe a little dangerous to some with "lesser skill"(if that is alowed to say without dissing others, or making me sound bigheaded)..

    -for the times i want this mainly to clean up the beam pages, we could make some kind of "hide parameters" function.. like somewhere setting parameters to "hide"(prob best place would be wheelset editor) and then when cycling beam pages, only the ones that where not selected was there, and some button combination brought up the rest of the parameters? maybe the beam button held down for 1sec or something?. Of cource this could be with every kind.. I don't know, maybe an idea?
  • I had a feeling this was a bit more complicated than i had wished for;).. man,sometimes i miss the easiness of the H2 and librarys..

    "The problem with being able to edit kind from within edit fixtures, wheelset editor, or fixture builder is that the parameter group or kind is associated with each function. It isn't handled on a per-fixture basis. We could have issues if you had 2 lights with the same feature and those fixtures had that feature in different parameter groups."

    -- That makes me to believe that even Steve can't make a "custom" library that moves some parameters from beam to position as an example and keeping their name? did i understand it right?

    "We could certainly remove the duplicate wheelset entries under the parameter group that matches the "kind" of the function and this shouldn't cause any show file issues, but it could cause confusion because now knocking out position isn't knocking out all of the parameters in the position wheelset."

    --In most situations that will be ok for me. You will of cource need to think twice, and have your head together, but for me that would be great.. Maybe a little dangerous to some with "lesser skill"(if that is alowed to say without dissing others, or making me sound bigheaded)..

    -for the times i want this mainly to clean up the beam pages, we could make some kind of "hide parameters" function.. like somewhere setting parameters to "hide"(prob best place would be wheelset editor) and then when cycling beam pages, only the ones that where not selected was there, and some button combination brought up the rest of the parameters? maybe the beam button held down for 1sec or something?. Of cource this could be with every kind.. I don't know, maybe an idea?
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