Priority Icon and HSB

1 It would be kind of worthwhile if we could have right the same icons we have in the playback bar for cuelists that have a higher or lower priority even in the list directory for virtual cuelists. Atm if you give a virtual cuelist a higher or lower priority there isn’t a way to tell the priority the cuelist has been set with if not attached to a physical master (workaround: name the list and put 10, 20,-20,whatever to remind you it has a different priority).
2 I reckon at the moment we still have a little conflict between CMY and Hue/saturation values. Hue/saturation can be converted into CMY but not the way round it.
If we gave the Hue/Saturation environment a third value to work with (id Brightness) then we could get all CMY values converted into HSB values. It would be like any software such as photoshop just to mention one that can get any color converted into RGB CMY and HSB.

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