
Does Anyone know if there is a software that i can use to see what it is that i am doing when i am programming? i have the demo version of wyaiayg however it will not allow me to conect . is there sometype of
program that i can get that's not soo expensive that will work?,,,,
Thanks Again.

Amber R.
  • Amber just remember that the demo version of Wysiwyg does not connect to any console.
    That's why I was suggesting in the first place to download Capture.
    Their demo version can be connected to hog 3 pc. there's a demo file (howard show if I'm not mistaken) that is a small theatre with a small rig you can play with. ESP vision has a demo file as well and you can manage to get it connected to hog 3 pc. If you've got kind of educational purpose anyway, I would definitely go for Capture that is less hardware demanding.
  • Amber just remember that the demo version of Wysiwyg does not connect to any console.
    That's why I was suggesting in the first place to download Capture.
    Their demo version can be connected to hog 3 pc. there's a demo file (howard show if I'm not mistaken) that is a small theatre with a small rig you can play with. ESP vision has a demo file as well and you can manage to get it connected to hog 3 pc. If you've got kind of educational purpose anyway, I would definitely go for Capture that is less hardware demanding.
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