Library Merge

In my shows, I have Studio Spot 250s, Technobeam Iris and Tech HIs. If I merge a new version of the fixture library into an showfile containing these fixture, the slot lables show wrong. I have had this issue before, and tried again this week. I tried to go from library v4.0.226 to v.4.0.263, but no luck.

-Bob Brigham
  • Hi Tom.

    It's just a problem with the labels. The correct amount of slots appear, and they make the light function properly (slot 1 bring up gobo1, for example). The labeling is very random, seems to be pulling lables from other fixtures and other attributes.

    I have had this issue for a while, but I chalked it up to a really old showfile and library. Three weeks ago I created a new showfile with current OS/library and this week tried to merge in the new library, and again found the problem.

    -Bob Brigham
  • Hi Tom.

    It's just a problem with the labels. The correct amount of slots appear, and they make the light function properly (slot 1 bring up gobo1, for example). The labeling is very random, seems to be pulling lables from other fixtures and other attributes.

    I have had this issue for a while, but I chalked it up to a really old showfile and library. Three weeks ago I created a new showfile with current OS/library and this week tried to merge in the new library, and again found the problem.

    -Bob Brigham
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