Plot vue

i would really love to have a vue like

where we could:[LIST=1]
See where fixture are.
See basic state of fixture (Color, Gobo, Dimmer, Iris, Position(?))
Select fixtures
copy by drag and drop
See what is in active cue: pressing choose would highlight fixture and why not IPCBE
see level is not @full by grey color
drag and drop palettes on fixtures
See that fixture is in progarmmer by highlight cell (perhaps 2 colors one for when it's selected and other one when it's not)
  • [quote=ahelgor]i guess there is many ways this can be improoved if we(or they, as in developers) just comes up with an idea that is good enough..

    -but i guess i probably will be very satisfied with color coding, and some icon/bitmap coding.. that together with a "Zoom" so that i can make those buttons as small/large as i wan't or need.. -The zoom part is something i'd really like to see soon.. those pallette buttons are way to big for my liking..

    That "Zoom" sounds nice or at least a few options how many palletes per view. Maybe also an option for Show fewer buttons which removes unused groups but doesn't compact the view.
  • [quote=ahelgor]i guess there is many ways this can be improoved if we(or they, as in developers) just comes up with an idea that is good enough..

    -but i guess i probably will be very satisfied with color coding, and some icon/bitmap coding.. that together with a "Zoom" so that i can make those buttons as small/large as i wan't or need.. -The zoom part is something i'd really like to see soon.. those pallette buttons are way to big for my liking..

    That "Zoom" sounds nice or at least a few options how many palletes per view. Maybe also an option for Show fewer buttons which removes unused groups but doesn't compact the view.
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