Plot vue

i would really love to have a vue like

where we could:[LIST=1]
See where fixture are.
See basic state of fixture (Color, Gobo, Dimmer, Iris, Position(?))
Select fixtures
copy by drag and drop
See what is in active cue: pressing choose would highlight fixture and why not IPCBE
see level is not @full by grey color
drag and drop palettes on fixtures
See that fixture is in progarmmer by highlight cell (perhaps 2 colors one for when it's selected and other one when it's not)
  • Eric,

    Being able to import a file to use as a 2D or 3D stage view is a good idea that we've considered.

    Implementing a full-featured on-board visualizer has the potential to cause more hassles than it fixes. Here's why:

    1) Visualizers are extremely resource intensive. I want all of my console's available resources dedicated to generating DMX.

    2) Visualizers are constantly improving and as they do, they take advantage of the latest hardware and generally require even more from hardware and software. Console hardware isn't generally field upgradable and doesn't change often enough to keep up.

    3) By offering ethernet connectivity to ESP Vision, WYSIWYG, Capture, and MSD, users can choose the visualizer that they like best and run it on a dedicated pc (even a laptop) sitting next to the console.

    There's a number of other considerations, including the significant development that would be required to develop our own visualizer or the royalties that would have to be dealt with if we partnered with an existing visualizer.

    In the long run, I think it's best to keep any stage view on the console fairly simple. I think it should present basic information about position, colour, and beam and I think it should offer a visual interface for selecting fixtures.

    I do, however, like the idea of importing CAD files or possibly image files for use in this effort. Once we've decided on interface and functionality, these will play a part in what file types would make sense.

  • Eric,

    Being able to import a file to use as a 2D or 3D stage view is a good idea that we've considered.

    Implementing a full-featured on-board visualizer has the potential to cause more hassles than it fixes. Here's why:

    1) Visualizers are extremely resource intensive. I want all of my console's available resources dedicated to generating DMX.

    2) Visualizers are constantly improving and as they do, they take advantage of the latest hardware and generally require even more from hardware and software. Console hardware isn't generally field upgradable and doesn't change often enough to keep up.

    3) By offering ethernet connectivity to ESP Vision, WYSIWYG, Capture, and MSD, users can choose the visualizer that they like best and run it on a dedicated pc (even a laptop) sitting next to the console.

    There's a number of other considerations, including the significant development that would be required to develop our own visualizer or the royalties that would have to be dealt with if we partnered with an existing visualizer.

    In the long run, I think it's best to keep any stage view on the console fairly simple. I think it should present basic information about position, colour, and beam and I think it should offer a visual interface for selecting fixtures.

    I do, however, like the idea of importing CAD files or possibly image files for use in this effort. Once we've decided on interface and functionality, these will play a part in what file types would make sense.

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