movment in a cue

I'm am pretty familiar with the Hog.:hogsign: But i don't know how the crap to swing the lights in one cue. Like , for example, lets say i have 16 X-spots on one truss in the middle of the room. and when i hit play, i want them to swing from the back to the stage in a certain way and time. I think i know that it is possible, but i'm not sure. Could some one tell me what 2 do??
  • Reid,

    Try this:

    1 Enter. (selects first fixture)
    Full. (sets full intensity)
    Push the Position key. (puts the position wheelset on the encoders)
    Adjust pan & tilt to your "house" position.
    Press the choose key for a master with nothing on it.
    Record Enter. (records cue 1 to a new cuelist on the chosen master)
    Adjust pan & tilt to your "stage" position.
    Record Enter. (records cue 2 to the same cuelist)
    Clear. (clears the programmer)

    Now when you play cue 1, the light should turn on and move to the house position. When you play cue 2, it will move to the stage position. You can control the time and path of the move by adjusting the timing for cue 2.

    Does this help?
  • Reid,

    Try this:

    1 Enter. (selects first fixture)
    Full. (sets full intensity)
    Push the Position key. (puts the position wheelset on the encoders)
    Adjust pan & tilt to your "house" position.
    Press the choose key for a master with nothing on it.
    Record Enter. (records cue 1 to a new cuelist on the chosen master)
    Adjust pan & tilt to your "stage" position.
    Record Enter. (records cue 2 to the same cuelist)
    Clear. (clears the programmer)

    Now when you play cue 1, the light should turn on and move to the house position. When you play cue 2, it will move to the stage position. You can control the time and path of the move by adjusting the timing for cue 2.

    Does this help?
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