Ussing Blind Mode.

I have tried using blind mode numerouse times to attempt to
create another look and or affect so that no one can see it till i execute the new looks or effect. however whenever i hit blind mode
all the fixtures go dark. What can i do? Thanks Again......

  • Hey

    Try this:
    1) Press Go to cue 1 ( lets say that you have now 5 studio color @ full on Red)

    2) Press Blind

    3) Take the studio colours and give them a diffarent colour, let say Blue...
    (the output now will be 5 studio color @ full on Red, even if you change the colour to Blue, cuz you hit blind)

    4) Press Blind

    now only when you hit blind again the colour of the Studio Color will change to Blue.

    * and about the macro, as Marco sey, press set on the Macro field in the cuelist window and you will see a list pop-up and choose from it what you want.
    It's not a Hog II Macro so you can't do so much with it but its nice for some shows.

  • Hey

    Try this:
    1) Press Go to cue 1 ( lets say that you have now 5 studio color @ full on Red)

    2) Press Blind

    3) Take the studio colours and give them a diffarent colour, let say Blue...
    (the output now will be 5 studio color @ full on Red, even if you change the colour to Blue, cuz you hit blind)

    4) Press Blind

    now only when you hit blind again the colour of the Studio Color will change to Blue.

    * and about the macro, as Marco sey, press set on the Macro field in the cuelist window and you will see a list pop-up and choose from it what you want.
    It's not a Hog II Macro so you can't do so much with it but its nice for some shows.

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