comment macro request

When working with dl2’s I use a lot of comment macro’s in my light cue list to trigger video cuelists/. Therefore I have a couple of request for software updates.

Copy paste function of comment macro’s
I know have to type the same macro sometimes more than 50 times in a cuelist. (can’t use the pig key because there are blank cues.)

Larger collum for the comment macro or a pop up screen (quick name pallete sort of screen)

When working in a cuelist at the bottom of the screen the pop up box pops down. Can we get an update when the cell is below the middle of the screen the pop up box pops up instead of down ??

Assert skip back and 2x pause should execute macro. Can we get an option for that in the cuelist prefs or in the desk prefs ??


Frank Verbeek
Production Partners
  • Frank,

    The good news is that most of your requests have already been logged.

    Copy and Pasting of macro cells is covered by feature request #9287.
    Mapping these copy and paste functions to mouse buttons is logged as feature request #1489.

    Triggering comment macros when stepping backwards through lists is logged as feature request #10475 and I've added a comment to this enhancement with your suggestions for assert and skip.

    I've logged your suggestion that the comment macro drop-down list appear above the working cue when working in the bottom half of the cuelist window as feature request #10553 and I've added your comments to the enhancement.

    You should already be able to adjust column widths in the cuelist window, so it should be possible to make the macro column wider. One other tip that may make life a bit easier is that when you have multiple comment macros for a single cue, add a second cue with a wait time of 0s and put each comment macro in its own cue.

    Thanks for the good suggestions.