Request for a special cross-fader

I just did a few shows with lots of different lights (LED-Strips, LED-Spots, LED-Tubes, spots on a dozen mirrorballs, various moving lights, etc) and as it was not clear what would happen during the night I had lots of faders with all the different things on them.

When I know a Band, I pre-pogram everything on a one-list-per-song basis. When I do not know the songs very good, or don't have much time, I do a quick page-per-song setup with a main cuelist with a chorus and a verse cue and a few other faders for downparts, flashes, whatever.

But when I know nothing, I usually make a what I call "festival setup" - lots of faders with instant access on everything.

On the backside, If I want to have a new look for the chorus, I'd have to touch 5 faders and 6 buttons within a half a second - no button to simply switch between the chorus/verse looks.

What about a special crossfader-function:
This Fader would invert the fader-values of all "linked" faders.
very simple example:
I have Faders "red PARs" and "amber front-wash" on 100%,
faders "ACLs", "blue PARs" and "Blinders" on 0%
All Faders a linked to my cross-fader. When I move the crossfader from 0 to 10%, the red pars would be 90% and the blue pars 10%, when I move the crossfader to 100%, I'd have my look with acls, blue pars and blinders, when I pull it down again, I'm back to my red/amber look.

This would be very helpful for busking shows when there is an easy way to change which faders are linked to the crossfader. I.e. hold down choose of the cross-fader and then press all choose buttons of the faders you want to link.

What do you think about this? together with the "+go when off zero"-option on faders it would be a very nice thing...

  • I think a wonderful way to do this would be a "Goto" Stack.
    In another thread I was writing about enhancing the Goto. I think another enhancement for "Goto" type functions would be the ability to do a command line of multiple Goto commands. For example Syntax:
    List 1/2 + List 4/5 + List 7/19 Enter
    to run cues 2on list 1 5 on list 4 and 19 on list 7 all as a single button Go.

    I feel you when it comes to shows with tons of faders. It sucks when I know the songs but there are so many song possibilities that I know I can't just write cues for specifics when I know the song list will change on the fly.
  • I think a wonderful way to do this would be a "Goto" Stack.
    In another thread I was writing about enhancing the Goto. I think another enhancement for "Goto" type functions would be the ability to do a command line of multiple Goto commands. For example Syntax:
    List 1/2 + List 4/5 + List 7/19 Enter
    to run cues 2on list 1 5 on list 4 and 19 on list 7 all as a single button Go.

    I feel you when it comes to shows with tons of faders. It sucks when I know the songs but there are so many song possibilities that I know I can't just write cues for specifics when I know the song list will change on the fly.
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