
Hi tom/Brad/Mitch,
Any chance of a post about the new console and what it can and can't do?

Regards Cormac
  • Hiya gang. Im glad to see this console out and can immediately think of quite a few projects that could really use one. I do not completely understand why it is incapable of running hog2 pc, but im sure there is a good reason.

    Just to add my $0.02 to the MIDI vs SMPTE question: I use and see SMPTE way more than MIDI for any sort of show control. However, considering the price range and market of this console it would seem that this above any other console HES is offering (spare the Hog3PC) would be be prone to being involved in low cost MIDI systems. Almost all of the MIDI systems i find in use with a lighting console are simply because they cant afford or are are not experienced enough to use SMPTE. I too see little reason a USB MIDI setup could not be worked out some how.

    As for USB devices as a backup medium, I am strongly in favor of the option. I have been using usb flash drives for so long I still have a 128mb that I remember paying $90 for. I use flash drives very often and in my experience as long as you do not go shopping for them in the bargain bin at frys electronics or choose those colorful three packs for a low low price they stand up pretty well. Aside from the problems people have with the cheapies almost all of the problems I my self and other people I have seen having are caused by improper mounting and unmounting.

    A neat little trick I suggest once you guys finally move past the 2.4.19 kernel is to play a scripting trick with mounting backup volumes. I have a thumb drive used for small backups that is subject to a script keeping it unmounted unless i attempt to read or write anything to it. Ten seconds after any reading or writing stops it automatically un-mounts the drive keeping it safe from crashes or being unplugged.

    Of course all of this would be unnecessary if only you used a journaling file system with the flash drive. Unfortunately then it would become incompatible with windows, which im sure is a major reason most people want flash drives on the HogIII in the first place.
  • Hiya gang. Im glad to see this console out and can immediately think of quite a few projects that could really use one. I do not completely understand why it is incapable of running hog2 pc, but im sure there is a good reason.

    Just to add my $0.02 to the MIDI vs SMPTE question: I use and see SMPTE way more than MIDI for any sort of show control. However, considering the price range and market of this console it would seem that this above any other console HES is offering (spare the Hog3PC) would be be prone to being involved in low cost MIDI systems. Almost all of the MIDI systems i find in use with a lighting console are simply because they cant afford or are are not experienced enough to use SMPTE. I too see little reason a USB MIDI setup could not be worked out some how.

    As for USB devices as a backup medium, I am strongly in favor of the option. I have been using usb flash drives for so long I still have a 128mb that I remember paying $90 for. I use flash drives very often and in my experience as long as you do not go shopping for them in the bargain bin at frys electronics or choose those colorful three packs for a low low price they stand up pretty well. Aside from the problems people have with the cheapies almost all of the problems I my self and other people I have seen having are caused by improper mounting and unmounting.

    A neat little trick I suggest once you guys finally move past the 2.4.19 kernel is to play a scripting trick with mounting backup volumes. I have a thumb drive used for small backups that is subject to a script keeping it unmounted unless i attempt to read or write anything to it. Ten seconds after any reading or writing stops it automatically un-mounts the drive keeping it safe from crashes or being unplugged.

    Of course all of this would be unnecessary if only you used a journaling file system with the flash drive. Unfortunately then it would become incompatible with windows, which im sure is a major reason most people want flash drives on the HogIII in the first place.
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