I think they are about to hit the ball out of the park with the Road Hog.:headbang: Look at the competition. You can get a grand ma micro for $16000. Three grand more than the price I hear being kicked around for the Road Hog and although you get midi, you DON'T get 2 decent size touchscreens a 10 key keypad or a built in trackball. Plus you are limited to 1024 channels. Then you have the Avolites Pearl that doesn't even have a touchscreen a fixture library that you need a manual to translate and only 2 encoder wheels:angryfire: ( WHY AVOLITES WHY CANT YOU AND AT LEAST 1 MORE ENCODER!!!) :06: Oh and by the way both of the above mention products still require a floppy disk to transfer the show to another console or PC. At least Avo is upgrading to USB sticks on the Pearl 2008 and Expert. The point is that I think the Austin Guys have come out with a good VALUE. A product that will definatly fill a need in the smaller console market that previously was filled by other Flying Pig products. I can only hope that the Road Hog will force prodution companies to finnaly part with their aging Hog 2's. :poke: The one thing that I am really waiting on is the pixelmapping funtion for the Hog 3. :poke: Oh by the way it is standard on the Grand Ma Micro.
I think they are about to hit the ball out of the park with the Road Hog.:headbang: Look at the competition. You can get a grand ma micro for $16000. Three grand more than the price I hear being kicked around for the Road Hog and although you get midi, you DON'T get 2 decent size touchscreens a 10 key keypad or a built in trackball. Plus you are limited to 1024 channels. Then you have the Avolites Pearl that doesn't even have a touchscreen a fixture library that you need a manual to translate and only 2 encoder wheels:angryfire: ( WHY AVOLITES WHY CANT YOU AND AT LEAST 1 MORE ENCODER!!!) :06: Oh and by the way both of the above mention products still require a floppy disk to transfer the show to another console or PC. At least Avo is upgrading to USB sticks on the Pearl 2008 and Expert. The point is that I think the Austin Guys have come out with a good VALUE. A product that will definatly fill a need in the smaller console market that previously was filled by other Flying Pig products. I can only hope that the Road Hog will force prodution companies to finnaly part with their aging Hog 2's. :poke: The one thing that I am really waiting on is the pixelmapping funtion for the Hog 3. :poke: Oh by the way it is standard on the Grand Ma Micro.