New to Hog3, decent @ Hog2. Patching fixtures, as soon as I hit the @ button to assign DMX start address the Fixture Patch window pops up and automatically assigns the fixture the next available DMX channel. How can I manually enter a different start address?
I certainly didn't mean to attack any particular OS, and I agree that horse has already been flogged to death, ad-nauseum, on this and other forums. I'm really just seaching for a way to make myself comfortable with the idea of going the Hog III route, which I would really prefer for a number of reasons, not least of which is the regular attention given to users by people like yourself. That really does mean a lot. I guess I made the assumption my experience with the iPC crash was a Windows problem since I was running the HogII OS, recording a simple routine effect like I have done a thousand times on a Hog II without issue, and had a color window pop up telling me something to the effect of "Windows needs to quit, to terminate the application, press OK." Doing so essentially shut down the console, causing me to lose my entire show 30 minutes AFTER doors on a video shoot. My fault I hadn't saved yet I know, but still. Whether that was an application problem or Windows doesn't seem to matter at that point, you know? Then, frantically trying to put something back into the board before the band went on, it did it again, doing exactly the same thing. (But this time I'd saved!) My point is, whether it was the application or the OS is moot, (for an end user like myself at any rate) but it certainly seems it was the integration of the two causing instability. And this was an iPC, not a PC, so other applications weren't an issue. Again, I WANT to be convinced Hog III is the way for me to go. But if I go out and get a bank loan to buy a board that costs more than my wife's car and mine put together, I'd like to feel comfortable about renting it out without TOO much risk of getting a phone call screaming for a replacement when I don't think there are any other Wholehog III's for rent at any price in San Francisco.
I certainly didn't mean to attack any particular OS, and I agree that horse has already been flogged to death, ad-nauseum, on this and other forums. I'm really just seaching for a way to make myself comfortable with the idea of going the Hog III route, which I would really prefer for a number of reasons, not least of which is the regular attention given to users by people like yourself. That really does mean a lot. I guess I made the assumption my experience with the iPC crash was a Windows problem since I was running the HogII OS, recording a simple routine effect like I have done a thousand times on a Hog II without issue, and had a color window pop up telling me something to the effect of "Windows needs to quit, to terminate the application, press OK." Doing so essentially shut down the console, causing me to lose my entire show 30 minutes AFTER doors on a video shoot. My fault I hadn't saved yet I know, but still. Whether that was an application problem or Windows doesn't seem to matter at that point, you know? Then, frantically trying to put something back into the board before the band went on, it did it again, doing exactly the same thing. (But this time I'd saved!) My point is, whether it was the application or the OS is moot, (for an end user like myself at any rate) but it certainly seems it was the integration of the two causing instability. And this was an iPC, not a PC, so other applications weren't an issue. Again, I WANT to be convinced Hog III is the way for me to go. But if I go out and get a bank loan to buy a board that costs more than my wife's car and mine put together, I'd like to feel comfortable about renting it out without TOO much risk of getting a phone call screaming for a replacement when I don't think there are any other Wholehog III's for rent at any price in San Francisco.