HOG 3 Networking Ports

Hey everyone,

In our facility, we have our consoles and RFU computers on one VLAN within our main network. However, I'm wanting to set up the firewall so the main network can access the consoles. Are there any ports besides (TCP?) 6600 which I would need to allow traffic on?


Adam Thompson
  • Adam,

    There are basically 4 things that you will need to think about as you set up your firewall:

    1) The IP addresses assigned to the devices on your network.
    2) The ports that your show runs on (6600, etc.).
    3) The IP addresses used for our multicast traffic. (Multicast IP addresses are to
    4) The ephemeral ports used for communication. Ephemeral ports are automatically allocated on a temporary basis for client-server communication. A range of ephemeral ports is defined by each operating system. The IANA suggests 49152-65535, but this does vary between platforms.
  • Adam,

    There are basically 4 things that you will need to think about as you set up your firewall:

    1) The IP addresses assigned to the devices on your network.
    2) The ports that your show runs on (6600, etc.).
    3) The IP addresses used for our multicast traffic. (Multicast IP addresses are to
    4) The ephemeral ports used for communication. Ephemeral ports are automatically allocated on a temporary basis for client-server communication. A range of ephemeral ports is defined by each operating system. The IANA suggests 49152-65535, but this does vary between platforms.
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