bad bad bad quality gear!!!!!

hello all

I am now on tour since about nine month with the same Musicgroup.. after a break in Januray and Feb. we got new equpiment. So I was lucky to get a brandnew HOGIII, now after about 3 month:
1. I expierence problems withthe Powersupply, two of the four power-leds are not lit anymore: BAT and 5V....
2. one of the view buttons looses it color and one of them just does not work anymore!
3. One DP just died.. I opened it up, pressed everything a little in position, now it works again... :dunno:

Well well, this are all managable things, BUT now it comes!!!! Yesterday I unpacked a brandnew Expansion-wing.

Please look at the picture I attached.... yes yes look closely... can you see it? you can't notice anything wrong? No? Mr Hoa Nguyen (please refer to the PDF I attached) couldn't needer. OK I'll tell you: the play and the stop buttons are swopped! Can you believe this? They do work in the right position, that means Pause is Play and Play is Pause... if they work because half of the buttons stick and the faders scratch badly! Actually, the whole piece makes a very cheap impression, as it were build somewhere in China to lowcost conditions.
I remember the old days as Hog's still were build on this side of the ocean, maybe you should also think about this a little.

I'm sorry but we are not used to such bad quality of work in Switzerland. I am very very disappointed!

Best regards

  • Michael and Tobi,

    We are disappointed as well in the product that you received. We have implemented changes to ensure that product does not go out the door like this again (it never should have in the first place). I have also contacted each of you directly to discuss how we can resolve your current problems quickly and easily.

    We take great pride in the Wholehog line of products and will ensure that your equipment is replaced or repaired and also that future equipment does not have similar problems.

    Thank you for your understanding,
  • Michael and Tobi,

    We are disappointed as well in the product that you received. We have implemented changes to ensure that product does not go out the door like this again (it never should have in the first place). I have also contacted each of you directly to discuss how we can resolve your current problems quickly and easily.

    We take great pride in the Wholehog line of products and will ensure that your equipment is replaced or repaired and also that future equipment does not have similar problems.

    Thank you for your understanding,
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