RE; Organizing Effects And Looks.

What would be the best and esiest way for me to organize
My looks,and effects, so that when i am programming for a show
i would loke to be able to access any of the looks or effects that
have created. Also is it a good idea to create Macros or are they
necissary when doing a show? Thanks Again.

  • Amber,

    What kind of shows are you working on (theater, corporate, live music, festivals, etc.)?

    Are the shows usually pre-cued or run on-the-fly?

    How many fixtures do you usually work with?

    Are you using media servers or digital lights?

    If you asked 10 different programmers how they arrange their consoles, you would probably get 10 different answers. I'd be glad to provide some suggestions based on how you're using the console and you can determine what works best for you.

  • Amber,

    What kind of shows are you working on (theater, corporate, live music, festivals, etc.)?

    Are the shows usually pre-cued or run on-the-fly?

    How many fixtures do you usually work with?

    Are you using media servers or digital lights?

    If you asked 10 different programmers how they arrange their consoles, you would probably get 10 different answers. I'd be glad to provide some suggestions based on how you're using the console and you can determine what works best for you.

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