Anyone having problems creating playback macro's that actually work?
Anyone having problems with the main output window when changing the priority of the layout? Every time I change the order, it doesn't stay the way I lay it out.
Why does the show pallets button not stay toggled on?
Anyone else have a problem with not being able to use IFCB fader mode in cue lists? Scene mode does, however you cannot have more than one scene on a fader which eats up faders.
When changing rate on a playback, the cue stops while turning the rate wheel. This looks like crap during a live show. Hog II does it better.
Why when using a template page, can you not get next page button to return to the template page?
Why does a technobeam color macro work after creating it and saving it into the color pallet and the same macro on a PC beam will not work when trying to access it within the color pallet?
Both were recorded the same way.
There is a bug in the playback section where one cuelist affects other cuelists with the same fixtures even when the go or goto button is not pressed.
Hope there is something that will be done soon to fix these issues soon or I will have to go back to Hog II.