Someone posted on that the Germany stage had a Hog3 running the LEDs across 29 universes. Can anyone confirm this?
I was just thinking about something Brad had told me about the reason for the DP2000's each having their own DMX processor rather than all the processing being done in the console itself. I assume that 29 universes of LEDs is a good example. So, would this be more difficult for other consoles that don't have additional processing power in their nodes?
  • At Live Earth Hamburg we used a Hog 3 with a big wing for the control of 2 Catalyst media servers. One of the Catalyst connected via an ImagePro and SDI to the "HiRes" LED wall. The second Catalyst ran the "LoRes" LED fixtures in the backwall (Pulsar ChromaPanels and ELP60 LED Striplites) on 29 Pixelmad universes.

    The actual output of the Hog3 was only two universes (one per server / 12 * 40 channels = 480 channels per server)

    For any additional info please feel free to ask.

    Oliver Ranft, Aachen, Germany
  • At Live Earth Hamburg we used a Hog 3 with a big wing for the control of 2 Catalyst media servers. One of the Catalyst connected via an ImagePro and SDI to the "HiRes" LED wall. The second Catalyst ran the "LoRes" LED fixtures in the backwall (Pulsar ChromaPanels and ELP60 LED Striplites) on 29 Pixelmad universes.

    The actual output of the Hog3 was only two universes (one per server / 12 * 40 channels = 480 channels per server)

    For any additional info please feel free to ask.

    Oliver Ranft, Aachen, Germany
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