Someone posted on that the Germany stage had a Hog3 running the LEDs across 29 universes. Can anyone confirm this?
I was just thinking about something Brad had told me about the reason for the DP2000's each having their own DMX processor rather than all the processing being done in the console itself. I assume that 29 universes of LEDs is a good example. So, would this be more difficult for other consoles that don't have additional processing power in their nodes?
  • First of all I have to say that I had free choice of my FOH control tools.

    Sure this job could have been done with other consoles as well - but with the Hog3 I have the fastest access to change cue timing and with the expansion wing I had a lot of direct controls.

    The concept was to have a "festival setup" on the expansion and have on-the-fly access to different colour look and different effects as well as Flashing or strobing in different colours.

    On the console masters I had inhibitive masters for the different LED lighting Layers (HiRes, Chromapanels and ELP60s) and a set of five masters that contained individual look per song (due to programming time I kept it simple like Verse, Chorus, Bridge, Break and AddOn)

    Worked great with the Hog3 - no problems during programming or show. Just when returning to the venue after a short time of sleep and a long night of programming I found the console freezed up...
    But with a backup console in place (and the show backuped before heading to the hotel...) I did not have to wait for the battery to be exhausted to restart the console...

    For the media server the Catalyst was the tool of my choice as I have long going expierence with it (since 2002 I think).
    One server created a split screen ouput on two mixes for the HiRes LED Strip (1536 x 96 pixels) which was converted by an ImagePro to SD-SDI to connect to the Encore running the LED Strip.
    The other server ran the Pixelmad plugin and sent Artnet on 3 universes to the 400 Chromapanels and on 26 universes to the 220 ELP60s (okay about 30 of them were ELP30s - have size fixtures).
    Worked well on the server site. We had a few timing issues on the side of the Artnet-Output-Nodes (Frames stuck in buffer when changing fast).

    For more detailed information on media server setup this is the wrong forum - start a new discussion on

    Lighting and Set Designer for Live Earth Hamburg was Andreas "Woody" Wodzinski.
    Video Director for TV Feed was Marc Achterberg.
    Moving Lights and Generics operated by Lars Wulff on a grey console with colorful screens... ;-)
    LED Backwall programming by me.
    Video Content for the backwall and LED strip created by Bjoern Feldmann-Bethe and me.

    Cheers, Olli

    Oliver Ranft, Aachen, Germany
  • First of all I have to say that I had free choice of my FOH control tools.

    Sure this job could have been done with other consoles as well - but with the Hog3 I have the fastest access to change cue timing and with the expansion wing I had a lot of direct controls.

    The concept was to have a "festival setup" on the expansion and have on-the-fly access to different colour look and different effects as well as Flashing or strobing in different colours.

    On the console masters I had inhibitive masters for the different LED lighting Layers (HiRes, Chromapanels and ELP60s) and a set of five masters that contained individual look per song (due to programming time I kept it simple like Verse, Chorus, Bridge, Break and AddOn)

    Worked great with the Hog3 - no problems during programming or show. Just when returning to the venue after a short time of sleep and a long night of programming I found the console freezed up...
    But with a backup console in place (and the show backuped before heading to the hotel...) I did not have to wait for the battery to be exhausted to restart the console...

    For the media server the Catalyst was the tool of my choice as I have long going expierence with it (since 2002 I think).
    One server created a split screen ouput on two mixes for the HiRes LED Strip (1536 x 96 pixels) which was converted by an ImagePro to SD-SDI to connect to the Encore running the LED Strip.
    The other server ran the Pixelmad plugin and sent Artnet on 3 universes to the 400 Chromapanels and on 26 universes to the 220 ELP60s (okay about 30 of them were ELP30s - have size fixtures).
    Worked well on the server site. We had a few timing issues on the side of the Artnet-Output-Nodes (Frames stuck in buffer when changing fast).

    For more detailed information on media server setup this is the wrong forum - start a new discussion on

    Lighting and Set Designer for Live Earth Hamburg was Andreas "Woody" Wodzinski.
    Video Director for TV Feed was Marc Achterberg.
    Moving Lights and Generics operated by Lars Wulff on a grey console with colorful screens... ;-)
    LED Backwall programming by me.
    Video Content for the backwall and LED strip created by Bjoern Feldmann-Bethe and me.

    Cheers, Olli

    Oliver Ranft, Aachen, Germany
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