Someone posted on that the Germany stage had a Hog3 running the LEDs across 29 universes. Can anyone confirm this?
I was just thinking about something Brad had told me about the reason for the DP2000's each having their own DMX processor rather than all the processing being done in the console itself. I assume that 29 universes of LEDs is a good example. So, would this be more difficult for other consoles that don't have additional processing power in their nodes?
  • i have done up to 60 universes.

    You have to be a bit clever with your networking - to make a large number of universes work - otherwise the network can become saturated at the artnet output device-

    you need to use an ethernet switch which will route all the data to each individual artnet output device- there is a special output mode to try and facilitate this - you run artnet in 'direct mode' - to each output artnet box using the exact polled tcpip of each output box - not the broadcast output from catalyst.
    this is in the output setup for catalyst for artnet.

    if you do this only the dmx universe for each box should only go down the ethernet cable between the ethernet switch and the output artnet box and not get sent to every artnet device.


    If anyone wants to try - there is a test mode in the catalyst preferences which does 100 universes- though i dont think anyone has used it yet.

  • i have done up to 60 universes.

    You have to be a bit clever with your networking - to make a large number of universes work - otherwise the network can become saturated at the artnet output device-

    you need to use an ethernet switch which will route all the data to each individual artnet output device- there is a special output mode to try and facilitate this - you run artnet in 'direct mode' - to each output artnet box using the exact polled tcpip of each output box - not the broadcast output from catalyst.
    this is in the output setup for catalyst for artnet.

    if you do this only the dmx universe for each box should only go down the ethernet cable between the ethernet switch and the output artnet box and not get sent to every artnet device.


    If anyone wants to try - there is a test mode in the catalyst preferences which does 100 universes- though i dont think anyone has used it yet.

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