Time in Macro Commands

Since a couple of shows on my current tour I'm using more and more macro commands, and tried to add time into it. So I can Go & Release cuelists and scenes in specific time.
My first idea was:
Go to the cue where to add the macro, press 'set' when in the macro-section. Select 'Go Cuelist', add list- and cuenumber, then press the time-button to add timing. But that doesn't work.
So I checked the manual, but couldn't find anything. And then I tried something, wich I think I learned on the GrandMA, not expecting to work:
Go to the cue where to add the macro, press 'set' when in the macro-section. Select 'Go Cuelist', add list- and cuenumber, type 'time' on the keyboard and add desired seconds. This seemed to work. So I had GL5/3t4.
So now the 3rd cue from list 5 runs in 4 seconds.
I tried it a second time just typing a 't', worked as well.

I think it would make more sens if the time-button is used for this. If there's no extarnel keyboard available you need to get the internal keyboard first, wich is a lot of keystrokes: Set, select macro, type list and cuenumber, set to get keyboard, t (have to type it on the screen), desired seconds, enter.
Much faster would be: Set, select macro, type list and cuenumber, time, desired seconds, enter.
Or is there another possibility I can't find and don't know?

Also I'm wondering why this is not in the manual in the 'Additional Macro Syntax' section, where I think this should belong.

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