Colour Palette Question

I am doing a theatre gig with 60 scrollers and some spot CMYs I made palletes so that all the colors from the scrollers and the CMYs go to the same thing. In doing so I was not careful to stick to just one colour mixing system, some of them are hue/saturation and some are CMY. The trouble I am having now is that when I adjust a time on the cue list window the color reference shifts to a cue that is earlier in the list that references a hue / saturation color, while the cue that I am sitting in is a CMY color reference. If I back up a cue and then play it goes back to the correct color / reference. (you can see it do it in the output window with show source on)

Is there any way around this, we have programmed the 1st act so I do not really want to go back and modify all the pallets....

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