Buttons on Hog 3 Stops working

Last week i discovered that the . 2 5 8 / backspace and effect buttons on my hog 3 stops working after a new show has been loaded and the machine is fully booted up. They still work in the load show menu. I have done a complete software and bios reload and the problem still there.

Anybody got an explanation ???????
  • Marco,

    I have spoken with our board techs and they suggest the following:

    2,5,8 and period keys are on switch column 8 so it makes sense all would be out.
    check the period switch with an Ohm meter and compare with other known good switches to determine if the switch is bad.
    Check the Ohm value of D103 (Diode) and compare with others. This Diode is used with this column.
    You could also compare the resistance of D103 with the other diodes.
    Switch column 8 also feeds into IC65, so you might check the trace there to ensure it is ok.Of course you should just do a general inspection of the circuit board to ensure it is clean and in good shape.

    If you continue to have problems after these checks, contact our support department and they can help you to locate a service center.
  • Marco,

    I have spoken with our board techs and they suggest the following:

    2,5,8 and period keys are on switch column 8 so it makes sense all would be out.
    check the period switch with an Ohm meter and compare with other known good switches to determine if the switch is bad.
    Check the Ohm value of D103 (Diode) and compare with others. This Diode is used with this column.
    You could also compare the resistance of D103 with the other diodes.
    Switch column 8 also feeds into IC65, so you might check the trace there to ensure it is ok.Of course you should just do a general inspection of the circuit board to ensure it is clean and in good shape.

    If you continue to have problems after these checks, contact our support department and they can help you to locate a service center.
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