HOG 3PC Control Panel - external displays

Do I need to use these settings for external displays with a HOG3PC?

I have two 15" ELO touchscreens and one 19" lcd. I am driving all of these with two video cards but I am not using the settings in the control panel. I just moved HOG windows to the different screens. Is this the correct method?

  • When using Hog3PC the Hog software does not know anything about the touchscreens. They are just input devices to Windows. If you have appropriate Elo drivers installed and the touch screens work fine outside of Hog3PC they should work fine with Hog3PC after you drag the windows where you want them. If they do not work right in just plain windows then you need to explore the drivers you have, how your monitors are connected (order, etc.) and possibly contact Elo support.

    I use (2) 17" Elo touch screens with my Hog3PC setup all the time with no problems.

    kevin (at) litkam (dot) com
  • i guess my question was a little to vague. My touchscreens and monitor all work fine with the software.

    I just happened to notice the Displays option in the Control Box and wondered what they were specifically used for since I can have multiple monitors and just move windows around.

  • Hi Ross,

    The Display Option in the Hog 3PC is used to add additional ‘vitural’ monitors. Enabling these monitors in Hog 3PC, it will give you four virtual monitors on you actual monitors. its sort of like adding physical external monitors to the Wholehog 3 Console.

    On other Wholehog Platforms such as the Hog iPC, the Display Options are mainly there for Detecting touch screens, configuring specific touch screens, as well as calibrating the touch screens on the Hog iPC. Also on the Hog iPC, you could use that option for adding a third monitor.

    Hope this helps,:)