Bug report(1809) -cue dont follow timing,cue only+Htp

Tried on H3, H3pc.quite easily reproduseable.

-create a cuelist with some deskchannels, and make some deskchannels track through a cue(no value)
-Set that quelist to cue only
-record a HTP fader with the deskchannel that tracks through.
-Now change cuetime on the cueonly list.. the deskchannel(or fixture for that mather) will not follow the cue's fadetime, it will snap to whatever the HTP fader is at.
  • This sounds like a bug we have logged, #10229, "HTP playback can prevent LTP playback from properly releasing intensity."

    Expected Results:
    The releasing values from the cue only LTP list should fade from Full to 0% using the release time specified for the cuelist.

    Actual Results:
    As soon as release is executed for the cue only LTP list, the HTP list takes control and the level of the effected channels snap to 0%.
  • This sounds like a bug we have logged, #10229, "HTP playback can prevent LTP playback from properly releasing intensity."

    Expected Results:
    The releasing values from the cue only LTP list should fade from Full to 0% using the release time specified for the cuelist.

    Actual Results:
    As soon as release is executed for the cue only LTP list, the HTP list takes control and the level of the effected channels snap to 0%.
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