Random requests

Would love a way to default the buttons and masters globally in preferences so that I don't have to edit the options of every cuelist to make it +go when off zero, and release at zero.
-An inhibitive master (or in this case a group master) should continue to assert even when a page change is made.
-Why can't I save the parked window to a view?
-A hit on a direct position palette should automatically select the lights recorded into it.
-To the hardware boys, the DVI to VGA adapter used for the third monitor gets right in the way of the left touchscreen on the IPC.. there has to be a way around this..

David M. Schulman
  • A few things that might help are...

    [quote=davelite]-An inhibitive master (or in this case a group master) should continue to assert even when a page change is made.

    You could try a few things here. 1- Put your Inhibitive Master on a template page so it is always there. 2- Try lowering the priority of other cuelists with these fixtures in them. 3- make sure you page-change behavior is set the way you want it under preferences.

    [quote=davelite]-A hit on a direct position palette should automatically select the lights recorded into it.

    Try holding down OPEN and touching the palette. This opens a new editor for said palette and will have all the fixtures recorded into it, you can then use a Select All to grab them all.

    Hope this helps a bit:)
  • if i put it on a template page, it takes up a fader on all pages, and i need all the handles that i can get..

    too many pushes just to grab the units..would be just as easy as a second button hit on the position palette to put the units into the programmer..

    Thanks for the reply

  • Hey Dave,

    I hope you are doing well.. it has been a while!

    Regarding the defaults for faders and buttons... this is currently under development for our next release. Enhancment #4600 is its number.

    -Why can't I save the parked window to a view?
    You are correct. I am looking into this now and will log a bug. I think it has always been this way for some reason. Actualy the view does remember the location and size, it just wont open the parked editor.

    -A hit on a direct position palette should automatically select the lights recorded into it.
    What happens when you only want some of these fixtures? Enhancement #9260 suggests using Fixture+[palette] to achieve what you desire

    -To the hardware boys, the DVI to VGA adapter used for the third monitor gets right in the way of the left touchscreen on the IPC.. there has to be a way around this..
    This will depend on the model/version/date of your Hog iPC and road case. Of course you can always remove the console from the case, but I know this is not always desired.