For On The Fly...

What would be really useful would be like on an Avo Pearl where you can "on the fly" select a fixture or group, hit 4 and then a position or color and have that fixture or group fade to that pallette in 4 seconds. You can even push one after another Group 1, 5, position, 3.5 color and the fixtures would go to that position in 5 sec. and that color in 3.5 sec. or at least be able to just put time on a pallette so you can choose group, time, then position or color and have it go there. Having to pair time in a pallette with color or Position is a pain and requires a million differant pallettes.

  • Be sure to try out the 'Fade Changes' feature that is available in every Editor. You can find detailed info on the feature in Section 18.5.1 of the Whole Hog III Manual.

    With 'Fade Changes' turned on in the active editor, the console will use its default timing as the fade time for any changes you make to selected fixtures.

    You can also work with the command line syntax to use custom timing for specific changes, such as...

    [Group] [1] [Position] [5] [Time] [1] [0] [Enter]

    ...which should put the fixtures in 'Group 1' at their 'Position 5' locations with a ten second fade, starting when you hit enter.

    (You'll need to turn on 'Guard' in your palette directory if you plan to tap a palette as part of this syntax. If 'Guard' is left off and you press a palette, the console automatically presses Enter for you.)


  • Be sure to try out the 'Fade Changes' feature that is available in every Editor. You can find detailed info on the feature in Section 18.5.1 of the Whole Hog III Manual.

    With 'Fade Changes' turned on in the active editor, the console will use its default timing as the fade time for any changes you make to selected fixtures.

    You can also work with the command line syntax to use custom timing for specific changes, such as...

    [Group] [1] [Position] [5] [Time] [1] [0] [Enter]

    ...which should put the fixtures in 'Group 1' at their 'Position 5' locations with a ten second fade, starting when you hit enter.

    (You'll need to turn on 'Guard' in your palette directory if you plan to tap a palette as part of this syntax. If 'Guard' is left off and you press a palette, the console automatically presses Enter for you.)


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