More Cue List Options

Something that occured to me recently:
Wouldn't it be rad to have all playback options assignable to every button on a playback? (and a few new playback options)


The Play button could be a "Solo" (Go on press, release on off + swops that kills all other non 0 intensities.

The Halt button could be a Flash (add) (go on press, release on off)

The Flash Button could be a go, with no intensity.
Basically I run my shows with a main Cuestack, and hits and chases on others. Adding this functionality would give us more options for playback. Currently, if I want to have a "swop" I hae to record the cue with all fixtures I want to go out at 0.
Also would make setting up the desk for "avo specific" people and desk channels a bit easier. I can't tell you how many times I've had to hear an futile argument about an Avo product being better because of this.


  • "There should be also an easy way to CHOOSE a virtual master and when the virtual master is chose it should be possible to playback it from the main controls."

    I have a trick that I use here.
    I add a playback bar above the main playback bar/main faders on the left touch screen. Then I can put lists there and choose them by tapping it.
    The main playback controls do work for any chosen list, alas you can't choose a List in the List Directory.
    Okay I see what you are saying now.
    I do like your suggestion to make the flash button a "go" that leaves intensity alone. Just a simple go button.
    I say allow us to map any function to any button.
    I've often wondered if it would be cool to have some function for double tapping the choose button (other than opening the list window) such as release or assert. Having to choose the list then get over to the main controls sometimes is tough in a live situation.
    I often set the halt as release when it would be rad to still have halt...
    Just thoughts...
    Coming from the Virtuoso world I do quite a bit of console automation from Cuelist macros. Such as the self releasing cue 2 and so on...

    Free advice is worth what you pay for it...
  • "There should be also an easy way to CHOOSE a virtual master and when the virtual master is chose it should be possible to playback it from the main controls."

    I have a trick that I use here.
    I add a playback bar above the main playback bar/main faders on the left touch screen. Then I can put lists there and choose them by tapping it.
    The main playback controls do work for any chosen list, alas you can't choose a List in the List Directory.
    Okay I see what you are saying now.
    I do like your suggestion to make the flash button a "go" that leaves intensity alone. Just a simple go button.
    I say allow us to map any function to any button.
    I've often wondered if it would be cool to have some function for double tapping the choose button (other than opening the list window) such as release or assert. Having to choose the list then get over to the main controls sometimes is tough in a live situation.
    I often set the halt as release when it would be rad to still have halt...
    Just thoughts...
    Coming from the Virtuoso world I do quite a bit of console automation from Cuelist macros. Such as the self releasing cue 2 and so on...

    Free advice is worth what you pay for it...
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