Hiya all hog freaks ! I'm discovering this nice roadhog desk "on tour " in france , seems reliable , it's been 4 weeks , everything is fine except for a couple if things that seem a bit odd to me ! First : when opening a cue in the editor using " cue-1-open " standard syntaxe , change a " view , groups , color , beam , position" window in de view toolbar without having touched a parameter in the editor , this automatically knocks my cue into the "programmer " without beeing able to "update it " / wich one might say is logical ! seeing the window priority ! only way round this is to : 1 / touch the parameter wheels ,
2 / be in the right window ( beam , position or color or effects), but this means anticipating the manouver boring and not very fluid and then every time time you touch a "palette" - DISCARD CHANGES -box appears so you have to close it before continuing your modifications in the cue
Anyway when you press " Update " there's a box that offer's you all these options you've been through , I mean : Update - cue 1 or color palette n°- beam palette n° etc etc
Or 3 / have the cue onstage and update it straight from the " programmer " after modifications are made pressing the "update " key
N°3 is the easiest at the moment
I thought this might change in ver / 2.2.2 But no
I don't know if I've really been clear about all this
Oh and there's a N° 2 question actually /
I've programmed this show Using MAC700 spot and wash fixtures as a base I ran the auto palettes menu all ok ! seeing this is variable size venues tour , I use the " change fixture " feature basicly everyday , it works a treat except for the beam palettes ! the new fixtures ( even if they have the same functions )do not recognise any gobo or iris or prism or focus palette made previously !
I've tried the " global - per type - per fixture thing " but does not seem to change much , so after having redone all the positions , I have to redo all the beams too !
it juste takes too much time ,
hope my explanations are clear enough !
So if any of you guy's out there got hints I'd be glad to have them
See ya soon