Not sure? Refs

Name : Cormac Jackson
Date : 04/10/2007
Console : IPC
Software 2.2.2

Hi Someone might check something for me.I have 10 mac 2k wash patched on output 1.
If i try and create a "ref" palette i do not get the little "R" symbol within the palette directory lists which indicates a ref palette.

So i select my fixtures 1>10 change the pan and tilt attributes,press record,select "use P",then push more on the toolbar,select allow refs and select a destination in the position directory which should now give me a position that i can ref and build further with.
Is it possible to switch allow refs off somewhere,not that i recall ever seeing that option?

Edit: just to add this is a new show created in 2.2.2,nothing else patched.

Thanks C
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