Can You Pre-Position Cuelist for Next "Go" Push?

Is there a way to pre-position a cuelist such that the next "Go" press will result in a jump to that cue?

Here is an example of when I might want to use this feature. In a busking situation I have 3 cuelists sitting on faders 1-3 each with several looks in each of them. Based on the music I decide that on the start of the chorus I want to very quickly go to cues 1/4, 2/5 & 3/10. I have a few seconds before the chorus but I am currently sitting on cues 1/2, 2/1 & 3/4. As the chorus starts I may be relatively fast at typing these 3 GoTo commands but it would not be as fast as if I could just press the Play/Go buttons on the 3 faders rapidly because I was able to pre-position the cues.

I realize I could setup the various combinations on another cuelist and trigger them with macros. However, sometimes I might to combine a GoTo command with some fader or wheelset action on the fly.

Kevin Montagne
kevin (at) litkam (dot) com