Hog3 PC as client not showing complete output values

For the past couple of builds including 2.2.2. I have been running my Hog3 console as my server console and using Hog3 PC as a client, to use as a remote. The issue is that the output window does no show the value window next to the fixture on the Hog3 PC. This does not happen when two Hog3consoles are together only through PC. When the laptop's and console's roles are reversed the output on the client(console) shows the same result. I have tesetd these scenarios with a completely new set of equipment than my normal set-up, which is listed below.

The results in the output window has varied. Sometimes I get no value windows, sometimes I get 150 to 300 channels. I has been consistent with every new show I have created. Large number of fixtures and just a couple of hundred desk channels. I also is consistent with all types of fixtures and parameters. If it has no value window then that means for every pararmeter of that fixture.

Anyone else seeing this or able to duplicate it.

1-Hog3 Console(10' CAt5e to Switch)
1-Laptop Running Hog3 PC(Connecting through wireless to access point)
1-DP 2000(10' Cat 5e to Switch)
1-Gigabit Switch(Netgear)
1-Wireless Router(100' Cat5e to Switch)
  • This appears to have started around 2.1.0 when we merged desktop and editor processes. We don't seem to have any good workarounds right now but we will keep and eye out while this is being fixed.
  • This appears to have started around 2.1.0 when we merged desktop and editor processes. We don't seem to have any good workarounds right now but we will keep and eye out while this is being fixed.
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