Bug in updating htp Faders/Cues


I found the following bug recently and this was reproducable.


Name: Rolf Wenzel
Software Version and build number:2.2.2 /1809
Number of displays:2 (IPC ones)
Connected USB Devices: 2 x Playback Wing
Networked Devices: none

I had several cuelists with single cues, laid out as htp faders on the playback wings.

Every day a new Setup caused me to replace the contents of these cues every day.

What happened:

Selecting the new desk channels in the programmer @ Full.

Recording them to desired cue by record 11/1. Desk asks what to do > I choose replace - Done

Pulled up the fader. Only the channels and values from the day before showed up. Now new information.

Thought I was stupid and tried again with the next fader > record 12/1 > replace.

Same thing happened.

Now opened 11/1 in the editor. The cue contains only the NEW Information, not the old ones. Editor still in blind.

Pulled up the fader 11 again - Only old information!

Setting the editor out of blind - correct new information goes out to stage.

Closing the editor now let rest the new content on fader 11 and everything worked.

This happened several times on several faders (only on the htp faders) on the playback wings to me. I never tried it on the console itself.

Hope this sounds understandable.


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