Patching Scrollers

I use the generic "scroller dimmer" fixture for my Morpheus color rangers. I can patch these fixtures to a dmx address that represents the dimmer channel of the fixture the scroller is mounted on. When I try to do this, the dmx address that gets assigned is just the next available number. Is there a way that I can change the dmx address so that it actually matches that of my dimmer channel. My dimmers are addressed in groups of 4. I don't have the ability to assign them dynamically.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  • If the fixture is already patched, you need to unpatch that specific scroller before assigning it a new DMX entry. I found this out myself just the other day. From there, you manually assign the DMX address by selecting the fixture (the tabs on the left that turn black when you click them), then hitting @[your dmx number]+enter

    This worked perfectly for me recently. I don't know if it will help you any as I might not understand the situation, but i think I understood.

  • If the fixture is already patched, you need to unpatch that specific scroller before assigning it a new DMX entry. I found this out myself just the other day. From there, you manually assign the DMX address by selecting the fixture (the tabs on the left that turn black when you click them), then hitting @[your dmx number]+enter

    This worked perfectly for me recently. I don't know if it will help you any as I might not understand the situation, but i think I understood.

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