Hi, have little if any experience using midi and an IPC, can anyone give me the basics of setting up. Would like to use midi enabled keyboard to trigger cuelist on IPC,
Hi Marty, Hog III mode. Ok cool so what would i need to do instead to get around this ? midi>usb link ?software on a laptop and then midi >midi or am i way off...
As Marty said the only MIDI commands that Hog 3PC can receive are those formated as MIDI Show Control (MSC). If you can define the MIDI string that your keyboard outptus then you can configure the keys to send specific MSC commands. Otherwise if the keyboard is sending MIDI Note information the software will just ignore it.
[quote=cormacjack]Anyone got anything on this one???
Sorry, didn't mean to leave you hanging Cormac:)
If you REALLY have to do this, and you cannot configure your keyboard as Brad describes, then there may be a program available that can interpret MIDI notes and output MIDI MSC strings, but I have never tried this. It seems like more trouble than it is worth that way.:D
[quote=Florian Ploder]It would be really fine to use Midi Note numbers in Hog3 mode! Maybe it is possible in one of the next Software update.
There's a couple of recent threads on MIDI triggering. Here's one. The solution I provided is relatively inexpensive and easy to implement. But I would like to see MIDI NOTES implemented.