(1809) Bug Report: Even/Odd Selection Reversed

Name: Phil Gilbert
Date: 11/18/2007
System: iPC
Software Version and build number: v2.2.2 (1809)
Number of displays: 3
Connected USB Devices: Touch Screens
Networked Devices: None
Detailed description of the problem including instructions to reproduce (if possible) and exact syntax used:

(See attached show)

Select groups 10, 11, and 12.

Tap 'Select'

Tap 'Odd'

Even fixtures are selected in Programmer.
  • Phil,

    I have not looked at your show yet, but could it be selecting the odd numbers because it selects the "odd" portion of the selection not based on fixture numbers.

    However with version 2.2.2 we added a new feature that will allow you to select based on fixture numbers instead of the fixtures within the selection. From the release notes:
    Select Odd or Even by fixture number
    Using PIG+ODD or PIG+EVEN will select fixtures from the current selection based on user number instead of selection order.
  • Phil,

    I have not looked at your show yet, but could it be selecting the odd numbers because it selects the "odd" portion of the selection not based on fixture numbers.

    However with version 2.2.2 we added a new feature that will allow you to select based on fixture numbers instead of the fixtures within the selection. From the release notes:
    Select Odd or Even by fixture number
    Using PIG+ODD or PIG+EVEN will select fixtures from the current selection based on user number instead of selection order.
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