Road Hog Crashes

Hey admin guys. I just had my rear handed to me after a dress rehearsal tonight. Multiple crashes during a 2 hour show. I have been programming all week (approx 40 hrs behind the desk), and have only had minor problems.

Two thoughts, I was doing a bunch of programming on the fly tonight, (fast changes and updates), thought I may have had the "enter" problem I was reading about, and I had a show radio next to the desk. I also saw something regarding radios crashing boards. I could not replicate the problem after, so I am suspecting the radios, but I feel like that's a stretch?
  • Here we go...tonight when I got to the show (#1 of 14), got a production radio, held it about three or four inches above the console, with a bunch of techs watching, and keyed it.

    The led's went out, and the outputs froze. I could still type and touch, but no output.

    I reset the console...then crashed it again on purpose to make certain it was the was. That's why I could not recreate the crashes after dress rehearsal, because the radios were not in use.

    Just FYI for Road Hog users. Not sure if the 3 is the same or not.

    A very troubling couple days, but I'm glad the problem was realized. I hope this also helps other folks. They were just cheap Kenwood radios.

    (PS Had an awesome opening night, Christmas show in New Brunswick Canada, Thanks to High end, the everyone at Mainlight, and tour tech east!)
  • Here we go...tonight when I got to the show (#1 of 14), got a production radio, held it about three or four inches above the console, with a bunch of techs watching, and keyed it.

    The led's went out, and the outputs froze. I could still type and touch, but no output.

    I reset the console...then crashed it again on purpose to make certain it was the was. That's why I could not recreate the crashes after dress rehearsal, because the radios were not in use.

    Just FYI for Road Hog users. Not sure if the 3 is the same or not.

    A very troubling couple days, but I'm glad the problem was realized. I hope this also helps other folks. They were just cheap Kenwood radios.

    (PS Had an awesome opening night, Christmas show in New Brunswick Canada, Thanks to High end, the everyone at Mainlight, and tour tech east!)
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