anyone know how to uninstall playback wing, programmer wing and usb drivers?

my computer is not recognizing the playback wing and programmer wings so i want to try and re-intall the drivers. does anyone know how to uninstall the drivers for them?
  • Re-installing Hog3PC is the best way to lay down the drivers again. If your wing is giving you troubleI recommend first going into the device manager (right click on my computer, properties, hardware tab, device manager), looking under the Flying Pig Systems Devices group, and right clicking on the wing that is not working correctly, and select "update driver..."
  • It may be helpful to label up the ports on your computer too. Often, only the drivers for the specific devices are installed on specific ports. - I had trouble with the wings if they are connected to alternate ports than the oroginal ones used during installation.

    It's probably worth checking the power supplies are connected to the wings too, as they can install without the mains being connected, but won't give full functionality (or act as a usb hub) without the external psu being connected.

    I hope this helps..
