Hi Folks:
IM positive this is another newbie question, but im tryin to soak up quite a bit in a short time
We are using a series of DVD music / video tracks over the next couple weeks in our services. i am building lighting shows to go with each of them, i can do this in my main service stack quite easilly, im used to doing that from my days on the GSX, the problem is that then im rebuilding them every week in the service stack. Is there a better way? seems to me i should be able to build an independant que stack for the song, and put it on a different handle, but im really not sure how to get TO it from my main show stack, without like a full blackout, or looking clunky. I could really use some input on best practices etc. I can supply other info if you need it, and im often around on IM if that works better for any of you
Thanks a ton