Good DMX Spliter

Hi guys

Can anyone recommend a good DMX splitter? Is there anything I should look out for? Or is it just a prefrence of brand name?
  • Ok, I can see we aren't going to convince everyone. Only experience will do that. I'll try one last stab at reason.

    Put it this way, I would argue that the Elation splitter is worse than no iso at all. It gives you an artificial sense of 'Hey, I'm protected'. The reason that is has worked so well for you so far is that the instances that Opto Iso's are made for happen so rarely, particularly in touring. When something big does happen, it is your gear that is toast, the egg is on your face.

    All I'm asking is that you carefully read the comments on the subject. Nobody is saying you must have DFD or you rig will die. What has been said is that you risk serious damage to your rig if you are not using a quality opto. Just think about it for a second. $130 for a 1 in 3 out with both 5 and 3 pin connectors. $130 barely covers the cost of quality connectors. Let alone any serious design work to make sure the thing works and paying someone to assemble it. For what they are and represent, the DFD products are an absolute steal at list price.

    Bottom line: If I find an elation or equivalent opto iso on a rental rig I'm going to send it back and demand a replacement.

    It's good stuff, but not any better than the Elation. Wow. Glad to know a Rolls Royce = a Yugo
  • Ok, I can see we aren't going to convince everyone. Only experience will do that. I'll try one last stab at reason.

    Put it this way, I would argue that the Elation splitter is worse than no iso at all. It gives you an artificial sense of 'Hey, I'm protected'. The reason that is has worked so well for you so far is that the instances that Opto Iso's are made for happen so rarely, particularly in touring. When something big does happen, it is your gear that is toast, the egg is on your face.

    All I'm asking is that you carefully read the comments on the subject. Nobody is saying you must have DFD or you rig will die. What has been said is that you risk serious damage to your rig if you are not using a quality opto. Just think about it for a second. $130 for a 1 in 3 out with both 5 and 3 pin connectors. $130 barely covers the cost of quality connectors. Let alone any serious design work to make sure the thing works and paying someone to assemble it. For what they are and represent, the DFD products are an absolute steal at list price.

    Bottom line: If I find an elation or equivalent opto iso on a rental rig I'm going to send it back and demand a replacement.

    It's good stuff, but not any better than the Elation. Wow. Glad to know a Rolls Royce = a Yugo
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