Hog 3, 2.2.2
trying to merge library's from console's disk, same versions on the show files, but it doesn't give me anything that I can merge. In the window where library, patch, etc should be it says: "Failed to load show archive"
It does this for all shows on the console. They are all v2.2.2
Maybe unrelated, but I have one 'new show' that I cannot delete. Have tried from within show browser with console running, and just in the control panel before boot. It says "Cannot delete directory (insert directory) Access is denied". This new show was created today while I was testing the Add DP+Clear=Crash bug I reported earlier today. The show file that I am running and trying to merge into also experienced that crash, so I am worried that the file may be corrupt. Any ideas?
Actually I just tried it on a show that has not had that crash and it has the same problem. Is there a merge bug I missed hearing about?