We are running an ETC Obsession 1 ( our house conventional board) to trigger the Hog3 cues via midi.
My problem is, we can not get the Hog3 to trigger from the Obsession. We just did this about 2 months ago
on a local production of Man of La Mancha. We had the boards hooked up and they performed fine with the go button of the Obsession doing all the triggering.
On the Hog3
The Hog3 is currently running software 2.2.2.
We are using a midi cable, going midi OUT from the Obsession to the midi IN of the Hog3.
I keep checking the SETUP-NETWORK-SETTINGS screen to make sure our midi address " 1 " is good.
I keep checking that midi is enabled.
On the Obsession
We have MSC enabled and it's midi address is set to " 1 "
I know this can be a simple thing to do, but I must be overlooking one particular, important step.
Any help or tips would be most appreciated. We are running the show right now as a 2 board show, meaning one board operator is having to push two GO buttons. So the show will go on but hopefully we are just looking to automate the whole process like we have done before.
I was curious if the Hog 2.2.2 software had a midi bug.