Atomic 3000

We just added a couple of Atomic 3000s. I patched them correctly and the settings on the fixtures are correct. When I create a IPCB fader for the Random strobe, one of the Atomics doesn't seem to fade in evenly (and all paths are set to Linear).

I was messing around with just that fixture with an output window open. Bringing the intensity of the Atomic slowly up to 100% seems to work alright, but when I come down to around 50% , I lose my even intensity rate, and the Atomic just kinda starts randomly jumping.

The Output window seems to work, the percantages don't jump around, but whenever I mess with that one Atomic, it doesnt move evenly. Any ideas?

Oh, this brings up another question: How do I get the IPCB fader to jump the intensity to 100% at the start of the movement of the fader, so that the fader will change Duration and Rate, but will always snap to 100%. I tried setting my path to Start, but this didnt seem to help. I seem to be having the same problem with par chases, so its gotta be an easy fix. . . :sad:
  • [quote=deegster]checked dmx lines, checked power mode, checked dmx channel switches and dmx address switches. i found a video on youtube showing a working atomic versus a busted atomic,and it looks exactly like what is going on with mine.

    We have 4 atomic's running on a stage for 3,5 years.. And the lamps are starting to get old. What happens is that the rate is not the same at all lamps also the fade is not the same and the duration also has problems.
    Replace all the lamps and they are working fine again.
  • [quote=deegster]checked dmx lines, checked power mode, checked dmx channel switches and dmx address switches. i found a video on youtube showing a working atomic versus a busted atomic,and it looks exactly like what is going on with mine.

    We have 4 atomic's running on a stage for 3,5 years.. And the lamps are starting to get old. What happens is that the rate is not the same at all lamps also the fade is not the same and the duration also has problems.
    Replace all the lamps and they are working fine again.
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