We just added a couple of Atomic 3000s. I patched them correctly and the settings on the fixtures are correct. When I create a IPCB fader for the Random strobe, one of the Atomics doesn't seem to fade in evenly (and all paths are set to Linear).
I was messing around with just that fixture with an output window open. Bringing the intensity of the Atomic slowly up to 100% seems to work alright, but when I come down to around 50% , I lose my even intensity rate, and the Atomic just kinda starts randomly jumping.
The Output window seems to work, the percantages don't jump around, but whenever I mess with that one Atomic, it doesnt move evenly. Any ideas?
Oh, this brings up another question: How do I get the IPCB fader to jump the intensity to 100% at the start of the movement of the fader, so that the fader will change Duration and Rate, but will always snap to 100%. I tried setting my path to Start, but this didnt seem to help. I seem to be having the same problem with par chases, so its gotta be an easy fix. . . :sad: