Pausing effects

I'm not sure if this is already possible, so if it is please enlighten me!
I'd like to be able to pause effects that are running in a cuelist. Eg. Q1 makes all movers do a circle effect, Q2 pauses all fixtures, Q3 continues the effect.

I realise you could just record a position into Q2 that is somewhere in the path of the effect but this will mean the fixtures will jump (or fade depending on fade time) to that position when the Q is triggered and not just stop where they are. Equally if it was a colour effect or an iris effect you wouldn't know where in the cycle the effect will be in order to record a hard value for this.

Hope this makes sense!

  • first of all happy new year to everyone.
    Why don't you guys try to hold down the choose button and spin the effect rate wheel to zero. that's something that actually freezes the effect leaving fixtures in the cuelist as they are (they don't go back to the base value). Give your cuelist a very low effect rate such as 25 in the optinon window. When you create your effect, in the effect engine, give your selection a very high rate, such as 400. Now this way you still have a good rate but you can spin it to O quite quickly. Want to get your effect little bit faster spin the encoder clockwise, want to pause the effect spin the encoder to zero.
    Well I actually don't know if that was what you were looking for but I would give it a try whatsoever.
  • first of all happy new year to everyone.
    Why don't you guys try to hold down the choose button and spin the effect rate wheel to zero. that's something that actually freezes the effect leaving fixtures in the cuelist as they are (they don't go back to the base value). Give your cuelist a very low effect rate such as 25 in the optinon window. When you create your effect, in the effect engine, give your selection a very high rate, such as 400. Now this way you still have a good rate but you can spin it to O quite quickly. Want to get your effect little bit faster spin the encoder clockwise, want to pause the effect spin the encoder to zero.
    Well I actually don't know if that was what you were looking for but I would give it a try whatsoever.
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