Pausing effects

I'm not sure if this is already possible, so if it is please enlighten me!
I'd like to be able to pause effects that are running in a cuelist. Eg. Q1 makes all movers do a circle effect, Q2 pauses all fixtures, Q3 continues the effect.

I realise you could just record a position into Q2 that is somewhere in the path of the effect but this will mean the fixtures will jump (or fade depending on fade time) to that position when the Q is triggered and not just stop where they are. Equally if it was a colour effect or an iris effect you wouldn't know where in the cycle the effect will be in order to record a hard value for this.

Hope this makes sense!

  • Marco,

    Thanks for that workaound but the trouble is if you're running the same show for a couple of months just using a cuelist and you need it to be operated by several different operators then this adds a complication and means that it's no longer 'just pressing go'. It would be nice to be able to record the stop into a cue. Also if you need it to happen at the same time as another cue you need three hands!

    I guess we need an update to allow this to happen! ;)

  • Marco,

    Thanks for that workaound but the trouble is if you're running the same show for a couple of months just using a cuelist and you need it to be operated by several different operators then this adds a complication and means that it's no longer 'just pressing go'. It would be nice to be able to record the stop into a cue. Also if you need it to happen at the same time as another cue you need three hands!

    I guess we need an update to allow this to happen! ;)

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