USB problems with Road Hog

I have had issues on several occasions with the expansion wing on the road Hog. On one show we connected the wing and did not use the external power supply. Wing seemed to operate properly, but after some time it became non-responsive and had to be unplugged and re-plugged. Did this several times, then we used the power supply and problems seemed to clear up.

On another occasion, this one was last night at the "Peach Drop" here in Atlanta, we had the Road Hog connected with the expansion wing and used the external power supply. Everything seemed to be working properly at first, but as we were programming and started copying cue lists to the wing we encountered problems. The wing froze up, became non-responsive again. We tried rebooting, disconnecting and reconnecting the wing, etc. We'd get it back for a few minutes then lose it again. Then after several attempts we lost all LED's on the back of the wing. Checked the power supply and it metered at 12.3V, so we assumed something in the wing had gone bad.

We grabbed our second wing from the shop and got it connected to the Road Hog, and again all seemed to be well with the universe. Then after several minutes, the same problems occurred with the second wing. Non-responsive, then lost all LED's on the back panel. At this point I pulled out my Insight 3 and began patching my conventionals to it so we wouldn't lose the show...

Has anyone had similar issued with the Road Hog and USB peripherals? At this point I think we're going to send the console and wings to HES to get checked out, but I'm curious if any similar issues have been reported - or if we're doing something wrong?
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